Sunday, October 30, 2005

Sub blog: Nepal and Tibet

If there is such thing called sub blog. But anyway..

I have created a separate blog to share my impressions on my recent trip to Nepal and Tibet. One month trip to the rooftop of the world with three of my dear trekker-wannabe friends: Arthur, Chitra and Intan.

Highly recommended for a test of physical and emotional stamina as well as a test of friendship.

This reminds me of a Japanese saying: "In traveling, a companion. In life, compassion." Those chance encounters are what keep us going. Love you, guys.

the link is: . Enjoy.

Taking a sabbatical leave

So I have decided to take a one-year sabbatical leave from work. A one year unpaid leave from the office and basically full-time 9-to-5 working life.

Why? Answer: why not?
Why? Answer: Because I want to.
Won’t you get bored? Answer: nope. I don't think so. I know me.
What will you do? Answer: Nepal/Tibet, social works, Spain. The rest is just details.

It was to tell you the truth a natural and relatively easy decision. I am totally aware that I am (temporarily) leaving the stable, however crazy and hectic, life that I have. I know that the office will do just fine without me - nobody is indispensible. More importantly, selfishly, I also know that it is time for me to do so. How do I know? I just do. End of story.

Do you know?

The word Pilgrim was derived from the Latin per agrum “through the field”. It suggests a curious soul who walks beyond known boundaries, crosses fields, and touches the earth with a destination in mind and a purpose in heart.

Be safe and well
Peace, love, and courage
(An Egyptian farewell for those leaving on a pilgrimage)