Monday, January 23, 2006

A lot of time in our hands

Still about the Spanish language. Two very different articles – one after the other. Imperatives are great, but when it comes to verbs in general in Spanish language, I cannot begin to understand it. Why do we need so many different forms of verb anyway?

Do you know that there are about thirteen different tenses in Spanish language? And for each tense, the verb varies depending on the subjects (six variations in every verb for every tense - see the complication here?).

Of course, as if that is not enough, there are numerous irregular verbs after that. And do not forget the other verb forms like infinitive, gerund and subjunctive. Top that with the masculine and feminine nouns plus the pronouns and where to place them in a sentence - before or after the verb.

See, that is why we need to get a full time job. So that we do not have too much free time in our hands and start to create such complications for our life and other people’s as well.

Kidding. You know that, right? Just kidding. Love the language. Love the city. Love the people. Pero, los verbos... oh, por favor!

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