Thursday, December 15, 2005

Comfort zone no more

Imagine: you live in your own city with a good family, great friends, and a steady career. All factors that literally define our comfort zone.

Now imagine: you intentionally take yourselves out of that situation - in a new country that speaks no language you understand, without any friends or family. You are stepping out of your comfort zone.

That is what I am doing right now. I have taken my sabbatical leave to take a step back from my own life, moved to a new country to learn the language. I have got more than what I initially bargained for.

You see I have always been arrogant enough to think that I am so independent that I will instantly be fine in any kind of (new) environment or situation. I should have known better.

I must admit. On the first couple of days, I was lost. The perfectionist high-achieving me has to admit that I am not as good or capable as I thought I am. Arrogant, I know. Aren’t we all?

Two weeks have gone by. I have started to make new friends. I know mostly the streets that I should know (and I have a map for those I don’t). I have started to speak the language. I have more or less settled in my new routine. I am starting to get more comfortable with my new situation. (Start is obviously the operative word here).

I am making this my new comfort zone. Yet I still have my city, my family, my friends and my work back home as my other comfort zone. (Lucky me, I know).

So let me rephrase my previous statement. I am not stepping out of my comfort zone. I am expanding my comfort zone. To make a better me.

So God help me, and us all.

ps: I shall try to make a special blog for my Spanish journey

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