Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Last week, I said goodbye to many people – two teachers and several fellow students of my school. Some I held dear to my heart.

It is amazing how God has made me stay put in Seville and see people come and go because most students spend less time here than I do.

Such is life. People come and go. We gain things and we lose things. Embracing things as it comes. Making the most of them - learning and enjoying - while we have them. Letting them go when it is time to do so and moving on. Realizing that the only thing that remain is always God and His blessings.

Some of the great lessons in life we need to learn. It is all one great puzzle of life - with God (or whichever Supreme Being you may believe in) putting little clues here and there. We just need to have a keen eye and a conscious heart to decrypt them. (Decrypt? Blessed are all the cryptologists ;) )

Goodbye my friends. Thank you so much for the good times and the great lessons.

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