Sunday, February 19, 2006

Temper.. temper..

Just when I thought I have mastered my temper, something is telling me otherwise.

My friends and I were talking about the topic of marriage and how men treat their women. Suddenly, one friend pointed at another friend who happened to be Moslem and said sharply that Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) also had three wives.

Oh the pain in my heart. I thought I could take ït but I could not. She was accusing somebody (I mean, Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace)) who was so dear to me without knowing the story behinds it.

First reaction that came to mind was to say “hey, now, wait a minute..”. But then after a split second, I have calmed down and tried to explain it, and may I add, in Spanish. Of course, I do not think I made much sense while speaking about such a complex topic in a language that I barely have mastered. But I let it rest after that. Let it be.

You see, had I reacted in the same sharpness as hers, I would have been guilty of the same mistake: expressing my feeling and opinion about something without having a complete picture of it. I did not know why she had such a strong opinion. It can be because of a very logical reason. I do not know.

Prejudice and quick judgment -- how destructive they can be.

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