Sunday, April 02, 2006

Slap slap

Another conversation with a friend (Fr). A reminder.

Fr: So what do you do now?
Me: Nothing much, really.
Me: Am bored half to death.
Fr: Count your blessings
Me: But I cannot help feeling bored. Well, I feel unproductive. Feel a bit guilty for having this much free time.
Fr: Then produce something while you are there
Fr: Within
Me: That, yes.
Fr: There is no excuse to be bored half to death then
Fr: You requested something and the universe granted your wish
Me: Ha ha, yes, I know. Amazing.
Fr: Stop whining that you are bored
Me: Yes mom.
Fr: you wrote: Again, being skeptics are still ok. But please do not stop at being just negative about things. If we do not like it, let us do something about it. And if we do not want to do anything, let us stop complaining. And, by the way, what makes us think that we are better than 'them' anyway?
Me: yes?
Fr: ....let us stop complaining
Me: Ha ha, notice that I put "us", me included.
Fr: Absolutely
Fr: so whenever you open your mouth or start writing or sharing or expressing that you are bored, perhaps you should remember what you wrote...
Me: I do.
Fr: Great
Fr: Off to zzz-land now
Me: ok.

My friend was absolutely right. I did ask for this and the universe has granted my wish. The conversation has said it all. No need for further comment from me. Thank you.

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