Saturday, March 11, 2006

Cynicsm, again

Second time with the same topic. I supposed I am really getting tired of it. People complaining, people prejudicing, people saying bad things about things they hardly know anything about.

Yet, what do they do about it? NOTHING. And are we any better than those whom we are referring to? NOT REALLY. NOT SURE. MOST PROBABLY NOT.

I have a lot of these this week. People negatively commenting on, or rather arguing about so many things. I was there but I did not want to get involved. And it is everywhere. All over the Internet and media. And back home as well. All those least-useful polemics and demonstrations. Pfffhhhh.

Honestly, knowledge-less prejudice, generalization and non-constructive criticism, add that with lack of common sense, rage, or worse, anarchism. Few things are uglier and more boring than those.

Save the voice, energy and life for something more productive and positive.

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