Saturday, March 11, 2006

Skeptics, Cynics

I once asked my boss what the difference was between a skeptic and a cynic. I think his answer was skeptic is more objective whereas a cynic implies that there is more (negative or strong) emotion involved. Not sure whether this is the correct one.

But whatever the exact meaning is, there are so many skeptics/cynics around me nowadays. Too many. Here, I want to talk about people who are cynical about the government. I supposed it is good that they start to see that there is something wrong with something. This means they are thinking. If only they can move one step further and do something about it.

An imaginary conversation between H (him or her) and M (me).

H: Sad what has happened in our country.
M: True.
H: The problem is there are too many selfish, corrupted, greedy people in the country. [Well, or something like that. Cannot remember them exactly]
M: Yes, all that is fine. But what can you do about it?
H: what can I do? I have no power.
M: BS. If you (or us) – those who have enjoyed good education and blessed life – cannot do anything about this, then nobody can.
H: Yeah, but I do not like politics.
M: It does not have to be through politics and it does not need to go that far. You do not have to be the president. Just start small. Yourself, your company, your family, your neighborhood, anything that is immediately around you.

And that goes to all of you. To all of us – me included. To quote an Indonesian Moslem preacher Aa Gym: “start from ourselves, start small, and start now” -- A simple yet profound recommendation.

Again, being skeptics are still ok. But please do not stop at being just negative about things. If we do not like it, let us do something about it. And if we do not want to do anything, let us stop complaining. And, by the way, what makes us think that we are better than 'them' anyway?

Sorry to be so blunt. I have enough of these negativities.

1 comment:

Eva.M said...

The truth? I am lacking the language capability to fully understand what you are stating. Are you saying that at this stage the good people are doing the good deeds in silence, hidden from the mass?