Sunday, March 26, 2006

Karma, reincarnation and the Ultimate Divine

Three things that we need to keep in mind, if we do not want to be bothered with the complexity of any religion. It is too complex for me to explain these concepts comprehensively and I may not be the right person to do so. But let me say this:

We are all connected. We are part of the world. We are part of the Ultimate Divine. In each of us lies the God within, but we are not God. We are still mere human but we have a spark of God within us.

All religions hint this – mostly implicitly. But many so called religious people or organizations got bogged down in the literal meaning of the words in their bibles, in the details of prayers and processions, and in determining who is right or wrong. The teaching, which should have led us to peace and wisdom, has turned us into beings of hatred and prejudice instead. How sad is that. No wonder many turns their back on religions.

Let us return to our original discussion. Each of us is striving to be better, to reach a better state of being. It is a long journey. That is why we need several lives to achieve it - hence, the need for reincarnation.

Each life is meant to be a step closer to the state of bliss, whose destination is solely to be one with the Truth, the Ultimate Divine, God, whatever we want to call it. This can only be reached through altruism, where we do everything selfishly for the betterment of humanity, without any desire to be recognized or appreciated. Yes, complex, but possible.

If you cannot accept the concept above, at least accept the Law of Karma: what goes around, comes around. Whatever we do, good or bad, will affect our future. At least this would make us more careful and would hinder us from hurting other beings. Karma is nature’s way of keeping the world in equilibrium – the basic physics concept of action and reaction.

No such thing as bad karma. All karmas are meant to be a way to improve a person. As an Indonesian named Aa Gym used to say: it does not matter what happens to you, what matters is how you respond to it, and that you come out a better person.

Again, not easy but it is possible. "All" we need to do is to just keep walking -- to focus on what is there in front of us, to not worry too much about our future -- and to listen to our heart always. Do not let your mind get in your way.

You do not need to believe every single word I say. To each, his own understanding and journey. The only ‘person’ that we need to listen to is ourselves within – our own heart, the God within us.

If we think it makes sense, then we can accept it as an addition to our knowledge and wisdom. If not, then we are free to leave it be, but please honor the differences – perhaps it is not time for us to accept it yet, or perhaps that person might be wrong. Let it be. To each his own understanding and journey.

As my friend, who studied theology, once said: “perhaps all religions as we know them are right. Or perhaps they are all just bullocks. We do not know.” Sad, but she might be right.

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